Saturday, January 2, 2010


I can come up with only 2 uses for a 4-in-1, and I couldn’t begin to guess what a stroller “system” is. I also need some reassurance that the baby slings are secure enough to hang onto the kid for all the times I cut corners and doorframes a little too close.


  1. I had 3 kids in 26 months... yeah... and never would I ever want, need or recommend a stroller system. Get the snap and go stroller - it's light, inexpensive and small... then once the little rugrat is ready to get out of that baby seat, put them in a cool ass stroller.

    And I have bumped a few heads in the carriers... oops!

  2. We loved our Graco stroller (the big one that clicks the carseat in). Apparently, registering for the "system" (the set that comes with stroller AND carseat) actually provides you with a less-safe carseat, so we went with separate pieces.

    As he grew, we also got a Maclaren, which we use almost exclusively now.

    I bought both a sling and the baby bjorn. He hated the sling, and loved the bjorn. Matter of fact, he was so secure in the bjorn that once he fell asleep, I'd keep him in the thing and scrub my bathroom floors. Yep, Mother of the Year, right here.

  3. i have the moby wrap, Elianna really likes it. it is helpful when she wants to be held so i can do things. SHe is very secure in it. it is a little confusing to use at first.

    i did not go with the stroller system, i am using the double snap and go. you will want some sort of umbrella stroller for when he is older, but you will want something easy to snap the infant seat into when you have to go someplace.

  4. Stuff has changed a lot in 7 years. My brother's twins are only 18 mo's though, so I have seen the "system." It is combersome and hard to put in the trunk.

    Personally, I liked my car seat that snapped into the stroller when baby was asleep, and still had a regular stroller seat (lay down too) underneath. This gives you an option. You will never need to buy another thing. Again, ours was an Eddie Bauer combo carseat/stoller. It was under $200.

  5. I agree with Jennifer above -- the system is burdening and you can't fit anything else in the car. I am also a self-professed minimalist on kid crap.

    If you want a stroller, the Snap N Go is what I had. Truly minimalist. Uses your infant car seat.

    I completely love the idea of the baby swaddlers/wraps/whatever they're calling them now. I don't think that I used them enough with my kids. Talk about flexibility.

  6. I absoltuely love my baby bjorn. I highly recommend it!

    I loved it that my Graco Snug and Ride infant carseat just snapped into the stroller, all the while your little angel is sleeping!
