Saturday, January 2, 2010

The scariest category

Stuff I don’t even know I need. Help please.


  1. Bumbo - little seat that kid will sit in once they can hold their head up.
    Jumparoo - exercise, jumping thing.

  2. Jumperoo is imperative. I didn't know how much we needed that thing until we bought it when Liam was 4 months. The thing is a godsend.

  3. bouncer, swing, high chair, exersaucer or jumparoo, pack and play. will let u know as i find out....still learning!

  4. My main general advice, when it comes to stuff anyway, is to borrow and buy second hand when possible. You can always run serial numbers to check for recalls. Quality items are rarely recalled. Definitely check cribs though, as some may pinch or trap a baby. Strollers and car seats should be new though. They can become stressed, cracked or damaged by previous users.

    When it comes to the unknown though, find a group of friends, just like you already have, and just ask questions as you need to. It really is not hard to be a mom. Your common sense will rarely lead you wrong. You are too smart. Also, keep your mom on speed dial :-)

    I found that my children preferred to be played with and carried much more than spending time in a chair, bouncer, walker.... Most babies only tollerate these distractions for a short time at best. So, just think twice before investing in them. A bouncer seat and a swing are great. We did have a walker, but we only used it for 3 months, and I don't think it was worth it. I used it when I was making dinner.

  5. Less is more. Truly. Save money on the crap, check out the secondhand shops (or enjoy grandparent giving of clothes like crazy), and remember than you will get peed on/poo'ed on, no matter how many changes of clothing you have with you -- so just travel light and enjoy the ride.

    Babies do not need bells and whistles -- they need loving, face-time and caring (answers your questions about the toys).

    Drop me a line anytime. I'm biased in my answers and experiences, but I'll let you know straight.

  6. A doorway bouncer is what we have. Both kids love(d) it. Can't use it until they are at least 4 to 5 months old.

    Didn't like the Bumbo, returned it.

    The store in Crofton - Once Upon a Child is a great place for any baby item. In great condition, and clothes are great too. Pricing - almost can't beat it!

    Remember, that your family and friends are here for you. I am always glad to help. I seriously thought I would have lost my mind if it weren't for my friends and family. (and my Mom's group)

    As a Mom, you will learn something new every day. You are a very smart woman, it will come a whole lot easier than you think. Your instincts will kick in. If you feel yourself getting frustrated or angry or anything...take time out and breathe for a couple of minutes. the baby can cry. Go into the bathroom and turn on the water to drown it out for just a minute to gather yourself.
    My mom once said, she totally understood where child abuse can come from when she was dealing with my brother. And, I too, can now understand. I would never act on it, but I have had to put myself into timeout several times!

  7. This is for Leo. There is theory, skin to skin contact with the dad and baby in the first few hours of birth, will create a bond similar to the bond created when the baby is on the mother's chest for the first breast feeding. Having experienced this theory, I will attest that it is factual. The time you get to just look into Lincoln's eyes and study his face is a forever memory. Lincoln will then know you are there to give him comfort and gives mom a break. When Lincoln can go outside, you both will enjoy the outing and Home Depot or Lowes are great.
